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Webinars & Workshops

Using your Learning Management System Effectively

October 26, 2020 9:30 AM
Eastern time 
Learn how to create high-quality lessons for students by integrating Classworks units with your LMS.

Strategies for Special Education: At Home and At School

September 3, 2020 2:30 PM
Eastern time 
Seven strategies for success in special education this school year

Effective RTI in a Virtual Environment

July 16, 2020 2:30 PM
Eastern time 
Best practices to implement an effective virtual RTI and special education program this school year.

Using Google Classroom for Remote Learning

March 25, 2020 2:00 PM
Eastern time 
This webinar reviews how to add Classworks instruction into your Google Classroom, and some of the interactive features Google offers.

RTI in Action: 4. SEL and RTI Sustainability

Eastern time 
How does SEL fit into an effective RTI process and what type of SEL tools can you easily add to your current program?

RTI in Action: 3. Data and Decision-Making

Eastern time 
A deep dive into assessment and instructional data, how to analyze your data, and how to use it to guide decision-making.

All students deserve to learn on an even playing field

Special education teachers agree! They choose Classworks’ CASE-endorsed, comprehensive intervention solution time and time again.

When looking for digital resources for special education students, choose one that meets all your needs with Classworks. We’d love to show you what we can do for you with a free demo!

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