Sample Insights and Reports

Data that's easy to understand is the key to better decision-making.

Assignment Results

View overall performance on Classworks instruction by student or class.

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Insights Assessment Dashboard

District or school snapshot of assessment data by administration, tier placement, and sub-population.

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Individualized Learning Results

View and monitor multiple students' proficiency at a glance.

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Progress Monitoring Results - Curriculum Sampling

View comprehensive progress monitoring data on each student including rate of improvement, notes, and skill-specific progress.

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Skills Summary

View overall Classworks instruction completed by grade level.

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Insights Progress Monitoring

At-a-glance view of both Global Indicators and Curriculum Sampling Progress Monitoring across the school and district.

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Insights Individualized Learning Dashboard

View utilization and student performance at-a-glance across the district.

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Universal Screener Results: RTI Recommendations

Analyze results for grade-level readiness. Identify students for potential intervention. Determine movement across tiers.

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Screener Summary - Early Literacy Indicators

View academic screener results. Includes dyslexia and early literacy indicators and recommendations.

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