Use Classworks to Simplify Your MTSS Process

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Effective RTI/MTSS processes help make life easier for all stakeholders. And, in a time when school districts are dealing with more students than ever who need tiers 2 and 3 supports, simplifying your processes is even more critical. 

Join our session for practical ways to simplify each component of your MTSS process, including: 

  • Screening -- How to effectively use the data
  • High-quality reading and math interventions -- Use technology to make teachers' lives easier
  • Progress Monitoring -- Uncomplicating your process
  • Strong tier-one curriculum -- Use data to identify your weaknesses
  • SEL -- Where does it fit?

An effective MTSS framework should not add to the challenges your teachers are facing this year -- it should help alleviate them! 

Let us show you how! 


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