Demystifying Progress Monitoring: Measuring Skills and Measuring Growth


Webinar Presented by The Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE) and Classworks

September 18, 2024 | 2:30 PM ET

Even seven years after Endrew F there is still a ton of confusion about compliant progress monitoring of IEP goals. Progress monitoring has become a diner menu – so many options it becomes a challenge to know which to implement!

This session, hosted by Melissa Sinunu, Classworks President, and Dr. Zabrina Cannady, Director of Professional Learning for CASE, will break down the most common types of progress monitoring and provide detailed examples of when to employ each measure. You'll hear about how to ensure you're meeting legal requirements while also gathering the data you need to document progress toward academic IEPs.

What you’ll learn:

  • The many flavors of "progress monitoring"
  • The importance of growth data for IDEA compliance
  • Key differences between mastery measurement and curriculum-based measures
  • How to effectively measure both skills and growth
  • When to implement skill-specific progress monitoring 
  • Using the data to make instructional decisions

Join us for this invaluable session presented by CASE and Classworks! You'll leave with more confidence in your progress monitoring processes and ways to use the data to impact student growth.

Reserve your spot now!


Melissa Cook

President and COO

Dr. Zabrina Cannady

Director of Professional Learning, CASE