Special Education and MTSS Platform

Assessments to determine areas of need, valid and reliable progress monitoring, evidence-based reading and math instruction, and insightful data.


Classworks Adds Mastery Measurement to Award-Winning Progress Monitoring Tools

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Meet Classworks

Give Every Learner the Ability to Soar!

Classworks is a web-based teacher and student-facing platform for intervention and Special Education with assessment and instructional tools to support struggling students.

  • Academic screening assessments
  • Progress Monitoring
  • Reading and math interventions and Specially-Designed Instruction
  • Valid and reliable data to determine areas of need and measure progress on IEPs


Validated assessments to determine areas of need and automatically deliver individualized learning paths.


Evidence-based interventions and Specially-Designed Instruction automatically delivered to each student focused on their specific deficits.


NCII-validated Progress Monitoring to quickly understand what is and isn't working with students interventions. Automatically measure and document growth on academic IEPs.


Teachers have the detailed data they need to determine meaningful and measurable academic IEP goals and objectives and create PLAAFP statements.


Classworks dashboards and library of reports give teachers, students, parents, and administrators exactly what they need to measure growth, make decisions, and celebrate success!


Educators Choose Classworks Because it Works!

We are committed to building the most substantial portfolio of evidence and research showing Classworks' tremendous impact.

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